It just got interesting…

So, I joined the PTO. Yes, you read that correctly. The P.T.O. Me. Seriously. Ponder that for a moment. And then I realized my Facebook timeline photo proclaimed that I am the “Queen of fucking everything” and my blog probably has about a bazillion fucks and at least 100 shits in it and that nearly every status update contains either a shit or a fuck and I said to myself, “self, what the fucking shit are you doing?!” But now I’m committed. I wouldn’t say I’m terrified. That would be a slight exaggeration. I’m sure I’ll say something to make the other moms look at me like I have horns or a 3rd eye inside of the first meeting. I hearken back to when the kid was first diagnosed diabetic and all the nurses suggested I join a mommy support group. A friend of mine laughed out loud and said “dude, I would pay to see you in a mommy group”. No payment necessary, this one’s on me. I just figure it is the least I can do for a school that has gone above and beyond for us. I’ll be starting a pool shortly wherein you all can bet on how long you think it will take for me to fuck it up.

About Shawnisms

I'm a 40-something software sales manager by day, a smart-ass, grammar junkie, crazy cat lady and mother of one in my free time. I like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, and using my name as a verb.
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